BS EN 921 Plastics piping systems-internal pressure at constant temperature

2017-07-07   WANCE
This standard describes a method for determining the resistance of thermoplastics pipes to constant internal pressure at constant temperature.

It is a method which uses the following conditions:

— water as the reference liquid inside the pipes;

— water, air or a specified liquid as the environment outside the pipes.

The method can be used for short or long-term tests, at different temperatures.

Through interaction with the referring standard, it may be used to determine the time-to-failure at a specified pressure or to test for resistance to internal pressure using a specified pressure/temperature/time combination. The results obtained can differ depending on whether the environment is air, water or another liquid.

For specific tests, particularly where other liquids such as corrosive liquids are used, other test methods may be used.

This method may be used to obtain data to establish stress/time- to-failure graphs at different temperatures. The rules for drawing these graphs are not within the scope of this document. For such purposes attention is drawn to Plastics piping and ducting systems — Thermoplastics pipes — Determination of long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastics pipe materials by extrapolation (under preparation at the time of publication of this standard).

 This standard specifies a method for determining the resistance of thermoplastics pipes to constant internal water pressure at constant temperature.

This standard is applicable to thermoplastics pipes intended for the transport of fluids.
